真善忍国际美展 Art of Truth, Compassion, Tolerance

Saturday, December 20, 2014

“Joyfully Climbing Heaven’s Ladder” by Wang Jing, China

Strength in Faith

Wang’s “Joyfully Climbing Heaven’s Ladder” portrays a young Chinese woman clutching to her chest “Zhuan Falun,” the book of teachings at the core of the spiritual practice Falun Dafa. She seems to be able to see straight to heaven, and paradises open up before her.
Wang has been practicing Falun Dafa since 1995.
“I wanted to portray a cultivator’s state of mind when reading this book,” she said. “You discover that it explains the universal law, how to be a good person, and the origin of humanity. I wanted to express that compassionate energy that surrounds you when you practice, that joy and gratitude that as a cultivator you feel in every cell of your being.”
Since Falun Dafa came under fire from the Chinese Communist Party in 1999, its practitioners in China continue to hold on to their faith and spread the word, not only about the regime’s brutal persecution, but also about the practice’s spiritual and health benefits.
“They still spread the wonder of Dafa despite personal danger,” Wang said. “What prompts them? They truly feel it in their hearts.”